Monday, April 8, 2013

How To Enjoy Being Single

Being single doesn't have to be a bad thing! Whether it's temporary or whether you plan on remaining a lone wolf, there are plenty of ways to enjoy or even celebrate your lack of romantic involvement.

Things You'll Need:

* Your pretty little self


Step 1

Have a positive outlook.

Involvement in a romantic relationship is not a sign of success. It is also not a requirement for being a complete person. You don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy, and you certainly don't want just ANYONE. Realize this, and you are halfway there.

Step 2

Keep busy.

Being single is often equated to being lonely. Such is not the case. Hang out with your friends, join a local club, or start spending time at the gym. You'll soon find your schedule so full that you don't have time for being lonely.

Step 3

Treasure your friendships.

Just because you aren't dating someone doesn't mean that you have to keep them at an arm's length. Spend quality time with your friends and let them know how much they mean to you. This doesn't mean you have to get all emotional on them; just try not to take them for granted.

Step 4

Spoil yourself.

Part of being single means not having to pamper anyone, right? Wrong! Pamper yourself. Instead of that weekly date, get a weekly pedicure or save up for tickets to a concert. Take a hot bath, go for a walk, or stay up all night watching Star Trek if you want to. You're single - you can do whatever you want!

Step 5

Flirt if you want to.

Who says you just have to sit there waiting for someone to sweep you off your feet? Flirting can be fun. When the other person flirts back, it can be quite the ego boost. Why not let other people realize how attractive, interesting, and desirable you are? If they're the right person, then maybe it's time to get involved. If not, you can still have a great time.

article by: LadyKatyMaty

Favorite Quotations

-love your self as you love others.

-If you cannot accept my worst then you don't deserve my best.

-The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.-Helen Keller-

-Life's but a walking shadow...

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more: it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.-Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5-

-To be, or not to be: that is the question.-William Shakespeare-

-A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.-William Shakespeare-

-They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth.Love is a familiar.Love is a devil.There is no evil angel but love.

-William Shakespeare-

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

iPhone App Games

Some of the games I keep on playing to my iPhone 4s. I like playing games specially when I have nothing to do or simply bored just to kill the time so here's the games you might like it is free in the app and android store.

- Candy Crush Saga

- Temple Run

- Temple Run Brave

- Temple Run 2

But what I like the most is the recent app I downloaded called Streaker Run. It is a fun game similar to temple run. it's funny to run without pants run as fast as you so you wont get caught by the husband.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is There A LOVE?

Does love still exist now a days? I don't want to sound so negative but I want to believe that love don't exist.

To those who had finally found true love believed that LOVE still exist. To be honest I am now in a point that I wanted to focus of what I have work, friends and family this are my routine. I am afraid to be hurt....once again I opened my heart to someone I thought the right one but sad to say .............. well life is like that it's just I met and gonna meet few wrong persons but its enough I am so tired.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Korean Food

I am currently seeing a Korean Friend. Last time he asked me if I ever eat Korean foods when we had lunch together.

The conversation:

Him: have you ever tasted Korean foods?

Me: nope never, I even don't know how to eat your food - giggles -.......

Him: would you like to experience how it taste if you like spicy foods then you must try Korean foods.

Me: yeah would be so great but you have to teach me how to eat those.. heheheh

Him: ok so I'll see you On Sunday we go lunch together....

Sunday  (March 11, 2012)

We meet again this time together with his Korean friends the one I used to call Oppa ^^ (just screen name for privacy) since he is my friend too and the other one who's same age like me so I am with 3 adorable hunk Oppaassssss heheheheh (Oppa-older brother in Korean language if you have a Korean guy call him oppa they would love hearing it to you but say it in Aegyo manner you have to be cute :) and never call them Ahjussi- Mr./Sir)

Sooooooo we already dine, he made an order for me and suggested a food that I may like..... glad that he is so sweet, kind and cute while serving those foods to me blushhhhhh (❤_❤). There are other foods that was served I am only showing you what I had tasted and eaten. Important ---> The pictures I posted here is not mine I just Google it as much as I want to take a picture but I don't have the nerve just for respect to them also in front of foods.

I had...... a KIM-CHI RICE it taste so good but so spicy but  I love it.

KIMCHI hmmmm taste not bad though

KOREAN PEANUT SIDE DISH taste sweet and  I like it.

KOREAN EGGPLANT but I did not tasted it cos I doubt if it taste good or not.

KOREAN NOODLE SOUP  nahhhh sorry I forgot what's the name of this soup but I love the spicy taste of it...

I would honestly say that I love spicy food but not this spicy all i'am eating I feel so tense??? my body is really burning inside my goodness ^___^

When our arm and skin touches since he is next to me he asked:

Him: Dianne you're so hot are you ok?

Me: yes I am ok and I smile at him. (yes I am ok but deep inside I feel like my body is burning the restaurant air conditioner is not enough can someone turn the AC to max pls hehehhehe )

Lastly we had ICED COFFEE omggggg I feel relief and taste good so refreshing now i'm ok :P

I really had fun to this nice experienced I appreciate it so much moments like this are worth to look back and remember ^^

and to you....

Ne! Ne!......... I enjoyed a lot Kamsahamnida Opppaaaa!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Relationship Sign Language

Is there really a relationship sign language? it is funny and cute..... so I let you decide which sign are you :)

click image to view clearly

Alright I know what's on your mind guys so you want to know what's my status??

So you really wanted to know huh???

ohhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhh ^___^
Yes I am SINGLE #1 :)