Monday, January 11, 2010

Thank You For Not Having You In My Life Now

It is 2010 and a very new year to everyone specially to me.I am looking forward to this year since its year of the tiger. I don't to look back from the past that almost made me feel useless and unloved.I am thankful to God that he don't allow me to suffer and be with the wrong one. I learned so many things in my past and I do realized that it made me a tough and strong. Many thing had happened to my past and i guessed it will continue as time will come and go. It is like a line that there is a beginning and there is no ending a vice versa to do mistakes to correct and learn from it. I must be happy for this and i should dwell every moment of my life. I should not consider it as a bad luck but a spices of reality that makes life more exciting.Speaking of exciting wow i can say this is the best!!! and i want to keep this for my self.the exciting part would me my life??

ok lets talk about it.....i am really looking for the guy who is really reverse with my ex ohhh all of girl wishes so...

I don't know things aren't clear for me so i have to know it.Sometimes it makes me wonder as I look some pictures of my friends who are happily married i asked my self when will my Mr. Right knocks my heart and i'll  see if i will give him a chance to know him and let him in?? sometimes i wonder will my Mr. Right come to my rescue?? does anyone in the world out there really for me.???

why is this? very ironic i like/love a guy who don't like me and those whom i don't like/love me?? and they are desperate to show their affection and all i can offer is only friendship.... why oh why?? there a study conducts this case??

back.."thank you for not having u in my life now" oh yes thank you thanks to God. cos I was awaken that  I am more deserving with a right person than him.. so no need for me to prolong this!!!!!!

I am happy though sometimes I feel alone..... but I more happy when I think of I got my friends and family... :D I must not in a hurry cos if I wait, I know for sure I can have the best and worth waiting for..

what am I seeking for.. looking for Bf that leads to marriage hahah someone who is responsible and knows how to take things in good and ....future oriented.most important is religious im not saying super but  I want that God will be the center of our life and that's factor if he has this good looks lol.mostly good attitude and positive thinker and many to mention!!. well built iIwant taller than me i am only 5'3 =). hayyyyyyyyy....

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