Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Thoughts For This Night

Aside from feelings, chemistry and spark will always be the important aspect..True love isn’t something that is forced; it is something that just happens many of us are hungry for love but i don't choose to bite the first type of love that I may see, even if it is toxic. i don't want to be a fool for love... they said let love find you other's would say what if love won't find you? The answer would be there are things that are meant/not meant to happen for you.. just wanted to share this thoughts cos I observed many are so very hopeless romantic and became so desperate to insist their selves to a person who can't even know how to value them i mean i am so sorry to be so blunt but that's true if you know there is no way for feelings to develop then why bother leave it behind because if you continue what you’re doing at the end of it you'll be hurt...always remember just go with the flow just have fun and NEVER INVEST FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS, NEVER TRY TO FALL FOR SOMEONE NOT UNLESS THAT SOMEONE IS WILLING TO CATCH YOU WHEN YOU FALL ....cos if you do you'll end up hurting your self...above all have faith to God and pray... be patience great things will happen for those who wait :)

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